Thanks for the link.
I actually did not expect to find some one here to know this particular model insdie and out. I was hoping for a conversation with som eone who knows the peices in the pictures. If I had an understanding of the individual peices I would have a better idea of how it works. Repiaring it is not as important to me as understanding it.
I understand, you want someone to tell you how to figure it out rather than having to figure it out. I get that.
Point is, that "conversation," as you put it, is much more likely to happen on an electronics forum, or it's likely already been had on one.
Ask away here, I'm not trying to suggest you shouldn't, just don't get all bent out of shape when someone tells you to try Google or to just replace it when the request is so particular or the product is so cheap, especially when it's the best advice anyone has to offer.
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