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  • Not really, I just like to arrest people. But seriously, I do have a fondness for K-Bar. For some reason I did not give them much thought though. I am going to check out thier line up and see what they have.
    dude..your a cop??,,,,i didnt know that...cool...you can allways get a 6 inch seal team knife that will strap to your leg...i reccomend a good k-bar...for sticking the right way! lol
    i have an idea for mixbreed.. let buy an american flag, ok.. then we each take to our favorite place or do our favorite thing and take a pic of us doing those things with the flag in the forground or background, then mail it from 1 member to the next and then send him the flag and the pics with a little note on the back telling him how we feel about him and what he is doing for us!.. i really want to do this, we need to honor our soldiers! will you help me get it going,? i ask you because your the HMFIC>(headmotherfuckerincharge)[/quote
    I will have to try and figure out how to transfer it over.

    My mandate is only good in GA. But most states only require a short cross over academy.
    Ya that was my issue when I grad from mechanic school. Luckly I was picked up a week out of school at a dealership as a lube tech.

    So is your schooling good in any state or are you bound to just where you live?

    Thanks for the complements on the pic. pleas feel free to put it as your signature unless you have other pics you want me to use.
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