^^ That seems a better route, especially considering the extra weight they.
Like he said; the hitch mounts are heavy, not vice versa. I have seen some horrible results with hitch mounted winches. As mentioned above, straight pulls are uneventful, but off-road, you rarely run into a situation where a straight pull is the needed yank out of the muck. Hence, I recommended the bumper mount.
When my buddy ripped his 9K Warn mount free, and damaged the frame and suspension on a Cherokee, I was more than convinced. He spent a lot of time doing that front hitch mount, and it was solid. He was winching out of the muskeg at about a 45 deg angle off center. I hit him up to see if he still had the pics.
No trying to start a pissing match, and if a guy is using it infrequently, then the hitch mount is likely a good answer. It appeared Slims was getting into off-roading, and if that is the case, I would choose a bumper mount, snatch blocks/pulleys, good straps, and always go with a buddy similarly equipped