Servo is easy, took an hour while drinking beer and being leisurely. I took pics, but my phone crash last month and lost everything.Nice.
Momma's 'hoe (we call it HoeHoe) just became my daily. I will be hitting you up about the 'vette service install and anything oh know about ditching the Autoride
Well done!
Use prybar and push in assembly. Then use pick or small flathead screw driver to remove the locking clip ring.
Pull out the assembly until it snags. Either cut or pull and stretch the (IIRC blue) o ring. Remove the 4th drive servo, remember which way it faces.
Remove the rest of the servo assembly. The spring may not come out, so look in the case to see if it was left in it.
-Servo Dis/assembly--
Slightly depress the 2nd apply servo and pry out e clip and dissemble. My pin had a slight burr in it and would not slide out. I used some 1000 or 1500 grit wet/dry sand paper to smooth it out.
Flip the servo around and use a c-clamp or large channel locks to depress the servo and remove the retaining clip. the spring holding the 2nd apply is not under a lot of pressure, so it should not fly out and kill you.
Dissemble the 2nd apply and clean up all the parts.
Assemble in reverse using supplied o rings and transgo lube or petroleum jelly.
...bout the jest of it.
Thanks man!