Results Ford Ecoboost 400 Homestead
1 Blame The Cat Tom E 180
2 Here We Go Again Ken U 179
3 Runnin' Bumpers Michael S 170
4 Lock & Load! Jeff M 167
5 Melissa's Entry Melissa E 125
6 Synthetic Advantage Picks Nick M 108
Standings Week 36
1 Runnin' Bumpers Michael S 5926
2 Blame The Cat Tom E 5848
3 Lock & Load! Jeff M 5798
4 Here We Go Again Ken U 5583
5 Melissa's Entry Melissa E 4998
6 Synthetic Advantage Picks Nick M 4845
Well, I won the week. Only missed taking the overall win by 78 points
Congratulations to Mike, grabbed the lead early on in the year and never let it go.

I managed to win the Summer and Fall segments, but just couldn't overcome that big lead. Maybe next year (maybe no more Fox Sports?) Thanks to everyone who played, Daytona will be here before you know it!