AAA Texas 500 Results
1 Blame The Cat Tom E 247
2 Runnin' Bumpers Michael S 214
3 Melissa's Entry Melissa E 208
4 Lock & Load! Jeff M 199
5 Here We Go Again Ken U 194
6 Synthetic Advantage PicksNick M 180
Week 34 Standings
1 Runnin' Bumpers Michael S 5603
2 Blame The Cat Tom E 5488
3 Lock & Load! Jeff M 5440
4 Here We Go Again Ken U 5300
5 Melissa's Entry Melissa E 4750
6 Synthetic Advantage Picks Nick M 4737
After a long rain delay, Texas is cut short for more rain. My man Carl is in the final four!

Waited a good long time, but Fox didn't take away any of my points this week, so the Cat is still on top this week. Mike's hefty lead shrank just a bit more, but it's still a very steep climb with only two races left.