You know what I don't care I'm 16 so I get it I shouldn't get to have the things I have but whatever I constantly get shit for it enough...
And Chupacabra are you really going to quote me when daddy is always trolling this thread and being a prick?! I guess it pays to be an admin but enough of this it won't change so let's not even bother.
You better change the 'tude bro. It is not the having and shouldn't have issue, it is the "I have this and I am 16 and I can do this and I think my shit smells like roses" that bothers people. Believe me, I was born into a very successful family business and I could have been exactly like that, but I realized really quick that it had nothing to do with me and I had to work my ass off to get where I am and nothing was handed to me. So when you can say that your mom gave you a brand new car and not feel bad, that is the problem.
Daddy is not trolling anything, at least he replies in your thread yo! Everyone else looks at the thread and thinks "here is the rich boy coming to brag about his rides." and hits the red x.
Check yo self before you wreck yo self!