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Scotty where you at
Hey Scotty Is this the same for a 2007 Silverado?
I tell you what if done right it looks real good,I had to do my ac controls twice but tell you what everybody notices it and likes it,again if you follow Scottys directions it will turn out right.
Awesome write up! I want to do this to my truck but I am affriad to.
Ha!! Lol thats what I did on the ac controls too much heat and bam bured the board,had worng solder too thick My brother just bought a 07 chevy classic and wants me to do all the dam lights,will post picsI tell you what if done right it looks real good,I had to do my ac controls twice but tell you what everybody notices it and likes it,again if you follow Scottys directions it will turn out right.
You need a VERY steady hand, and lots of patience. Also, you can't get the board too hot or you will damage it. I've had quite a few people PM me wanting me to do theirs since they managed to screw them up. Also, some people just don't feel confident soldering such intricate parts so they have had me do theirs as well.
Where did u order ur lights from an do u have a part number ?? An how did you figure out what resistor to use an which one did u use ?