Some of you may know this but for those who don't, I have approved to have a new engine installed in my truck.
After the added modifications to my truck and using the the components at its fullest the engine and transmission on my truck cannot/couldn't handle my constant abuse.
Transmission has been rebuild with upgraded off road components similar to component found in trophy trucks.
Now the engine is being worked on after I approved to have it blue printed by the folks at [url="http://www.pahorsepower.com/page2/page2.html]Performance Associates[/url] located in San Dimas, CA.
Information obtained [url="http://www.carsdirect.com/aftermarket-parts/what-does-an-engine-blueprint-job-do]Here[/url]
After the added modifications to my truck and using the the components at its fullest the engine and transmission on my truck cannot/couldn't handle my constant abuse.
Transmission has been rebuild with upgraded off road components similar to component found in trophy trucks.
Now the engine is being worked on after I approved to have it blue printed by the folks at [url="http://www.pahorsepower.com/page2/page2.html]Performance Associates[/url] located in San Dimas, CA.
An engine blueprint is something beloved of racers and car enthusiasts as the engine is set at its proper factory specifications. This often isn’t the case when the car rolls off the production line. It allows the vehicle to perform exactly as it’s supposed to perform. Usually with increased horsepower and much greater reliability than you might otherwise find.
1 - Why An Engine Blueprint?
The standard production car engine isn’t made to the exact tolerances many people think. In fact they’re quite loose, so the performance certainly isn’t all it could be. An engine blueprint takes those proper factory specifications for the engine and makes sure all parts conform to it exactly, to the minutest tolerances.
It’s mostly employed by racers, and in every respect, an engine blueprint is a new engine, since the parts have to be replaced. Whether it’s engine studs or piston rings or the carburetor.
The increase in performance is invariably dramatic and enough to satisfy those who put vehicles through their paces around the race track. It takes time to make changes to everything in the engine and it’s certainly not cheap, costing around $2,000. The end product, however, is an engine you can trust. While having an engine blueprint job you can also make other engine modifications, too.
2 - What An Engine Blueprint Does
An engine blueprint tears the engine apart and rebuilds it exactly the way the designer meant it to be built. Even items like the water pump are replaced with highly efficient ones.
There’s absolute attention to detail, with piston bores made perfect and extremely careful cleaning of the heads, for instance, as well as the engine block. You’re more than paying for a new engine, you’re paying for the perfect engine for your vehicle. Which is exactly what you need if you’re racing.
3 - Who Uses it
An engine blueprint isn’t something every driver will want for their vehicle. It’s not worth the money to them. For those who truly depend on their engines and want the very best out of them, such as the hot rod driver, they can be worth every cent of the price.
Racers are always pushing their motors as hard as they can, all the way to the limit, and they want an engine that’s not going to fail them as they do that. The sheer reliability and performance of a car that’s had an engine blueprint is hard to beat.
The level of detail is far beyond anything most mechanics attempt, even on an engine rebuild. All parts are checked and often magnafluxed, in an attempt to determine cracks that might be below the surface, not visible to the naked eye.
4 - The Advantages
An engine blueprint job will give you an engine you can trust when racing. It still needs a great deal of maintenance, but it’s far less likely to break down on you on the circuit, and could repay the amount you’ve spent many times over in cutting repair bills and gaining your trophies.
Information obtained [url="http://www.carsdirect.com/aftermarket-parts/what-does-an-engine-blueprint-job-do]Here[/url]