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  • Now don't go acting like you don't know me. I'm the guy you been this 64 GMC for, for the last several years. If that's all you have left is is tranny and exhaust, I can handle that. Just let me know when you want me to swing by ant pick it up. :D
    Hey Dawg, how you coming along on my truck??? About ready to give it to me yet? Lemme know if you're ready to know my favorite colors. I want gray in the interior.
    Damnit !!! Having 64 shortbed withdrawls too and can't find those pics. I must have been gone to long and they are buried deep in posts somewhere.
    Lets just say some authority over there was belittling to members, I didn't like it, and I let my opinion be know, as you know I would, and was kind of a smart ass about it, making references about mods and the ridiculous rule of 13yo that talk and see worse than I do now days, and they didn't like my opinion and smart ass antics and banned me as I suspected they would. They put their pants on just like we do, I wasn't going to tolerate that immaturity without my opinion being known. Obviously a couple people, yeah just a couple, :crackup: agreed with me and were sick of the same, so here we be !!! Having adult fun, dropping a couple F bombs here and there, saying words like scrapping, you know the bad ones having and fun and breaking in the new home!!! Great place to be and sure glad you made it over buddy !!! :cheers:
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